G-8ELY0PC2GG Affirmations Re-wire Your Brain - The BraveHearted Woman

Episode 25

Published on:

15th Nov 2021

Affirmations Re-wire Your Brain

In today's episode Dawn talks about the power of your words and using affirmations in your life. She gives a lot of examples to use and what not to use to speak over your life, along with scripture and biblical backing to go with it.

Dawn Damon is a Pastor, Speaker, Award-Winning Author, and your Bravehearted Woman Podcast Host, Coach, and Mentor.

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Dawn Damon 0:07

Hey beautiful women. This is Dawn Damon, the Brave Heart mentor and you're listening to the brave hearted woman. This is a podcast designed to help you find your brave so you can live out your beautiful vision. I have been working with women for years. And now I want to help you too. I'm here to awaken the brave heart inside of you so you can ignite the flame of your vision you can reach your goals and achieve your dreams. Come on. Let's get brave.

Hello, you brave hearted woman, I hope you're doing well today. Hey, the very first thing that I want to tell you is you need to go to my website, Dawn damon.com. That's Dawn da W N. Damon, da m o n.com. I have a quiz there I want you to take what kind of brave hearted woman are you? Take the quiz and learn more about yourself. And also, then you're going to see some opportunities for ongoing coaching. But first of all, let's just find out what's going on inside of that heart of yours. In fact, today, that's what I want to do. I just want to affirm you, my sister. I want to just spend some time letting you know about the power of affirmations. Do you use affirmations? Affirmations are simple, concise and powerful expressions. And so when you speak and think and listen to them, these powerful statements actually become thoughts. And these thoughts create reality. So this is how you're rewiring your brain through affirmations, through speaking out the words that are positive, that are uplifting, and more importantly, that are true. Now research will show us that we think about 45,000 to 51,000 thoughts in one day. Wow. So that's like 150 to 300 thoughts per minute. And sadly, for most people, 80% of these thoughts are negative. Now fortunately, affirmations provide a way to speak life over everything that concerns you. I want you to speak life over your mind, over your body over your soul, speak life, over your finances, and over your relationships, speak life over the outcomes that you want everything. So here are some of the affirmations that I speak daily. I want to share them with you. I want you to speak them out loud in the present tense and with faith. So now as we go through this, you may want to save this podcast even share it with someone else. Because this is an important one for you. You ready? Here we go.

I am blessed, and I walk in favor. I am courageous and I take brave steps of action. I attract divine opportunities. I have an abundance mindset. I accomplished all my goals. Doors open up for me to share my message. I'm always in the right place at the right time. I am creative. I am anointed, I am energetic. I have massive focus, and I have energy for every day. I have clear vision. I am excited about my future. I show up with 100% enthusiasm every day. I continually take massive action toward my goals. I am successful in everything that I do. I stand before great people because of the gifts and the abilities that God has given me. I solve problems with creativity and ease. I am persistent and I overcome obstacles. I surround myself with people who believe in me and want to see me succeed. I have divine wisdom and I make the best decisions. I live with passion and purpose. I see possibilities as probabilities. I am changing lives every day. I am a wealth generator and I am built to last. I weighed the perfect weight. My body is strong and fit and capable. I am a force to be reckoned with. I always experienced joy

I am designed to be great. And it's not my right or anyone else's to say or do otherwise. I am a healer, I have the ability to arise whenever I choose. I am thankful for everything that God has blessed me with. So there's your affirmations. How does that make you feel?

Can you sense strength coming into your body? Can you sense strength coming into your soul? Well, this is what affirmations do for you. And I want to make sure that you grab a hold of this, and you're able to speak affirmations over yourself every day.

ble tells us that in Proverbs:

So what are you speaking over yourself? And if you do a study, many times, we will find that we are speaking more words of death than we are speaking words of life. What does that mean exactly? Well, if you think about your life as a garden, in fact, I think it's William Wordsworth who says this, your mind is a garden and your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds. That's a powerful statement. And it really is true. But seeds are words, your thoughts are seeds, but but more than thoughts are the words that you speak, and they go into the ground, they go into your life, if you will, they go into your reality, the seeds that you speak, another way to think about it about it is that words are servants to you. And they go out and they fetch and bring back to you, whatever you talk about. So that's why affirmations are so powerful, because it's exercise for your tongue. It is a daily workout routine for you, you're building the muscle of speaking what is life, what is true, what is powerful, and the more you speak these affirmations, it's not like you're just trying to program your brain. But I will tell you, when you speak these affirmations, you are creating new powerful neuro pathways. And you're disrupting and interfering with perhaps a pathways that bring you automatically to the negative, to think negative and to speak negative, you want to end that habit in your life, you really want to start this powerful habit of speaking these affirmations over your life. So what's going to happen? Well, research also shows that people who speak affirmations and really begin to experience the results and the outcomes of a more powerful, uplifting thought life. The Bible even talks about this, that you will eat the fruit of whatever you have been planting. So research is showing that people who speak negative think negative actually reap a negative life. And we've talked about that many times that your words are prophetic. Again, your words are servants, they go out and they fetch for you and bring back to you exactly what you've been saying. You might say, well, I don't say anything negative over myself. But you might say, Oh, that's my metabolism. I just can't burn. Wait, I just I have a slow mo tech. Well, what did you just do you smoke over yourself, didn't you? Huh? What about this, you know, oh, man. If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. Oh, what did you do? Yeah, you might be teasing, but at the same time, it's still going down that pathway. Instead, say I am highly favored doors open for me. I don't need luck. I have favor in my life. God smiles on me. I am prosperous. I'm energetic. I'm successful in everything that I do. Now, Romans four tells us that this is how God this is how God does it. He speaks things that aren't as though they were. So we're not supposed to just report anybody can report we can say with our mouth. Wow, this is a bad situation. But we're not supposed to report we're supposed to create. So don't use your words, to just report how bad a situation is. Use your words to create the future that you want. And it happens through these affirmations. This is the intentionality that you need to rewire your mind because your words are going to bring you to your future. The words that you speak today will manifest tomorrow. What if I told you that everything that you speak is going to come to pass? Wouldn't you just stop for a moment and think about how you're talking? While affirmations is one tool that you can use? Like I said a moment ago, it's really the workout for the tongue. Do you go to the gym every day or at least three times a week do you lift weights? Well, this is weightlifting for the tongue. I am strong. I am bold. I am brave. I'm always in the right place at the right time. I'm a wealth generator, I have no lag, I have creativity, I attract God inspired ideas that helped me create wealth. I am always where God wants me. I don't have to fear FOMO fear of missing out, because my steps are ordained and I will be where I need to be when I need to be there. I have energy, I have a sound mind, I will not have Alzheimer's. No, I have a sound mind up until the day I take my last breath. I am able, I'm capable, I am lovable. I am forgivable. I'm in right standing with God, I can do all things through his strength. And so these affirmations are things that should be coming out of our mouth every day. Interesting. I am speaking at a conference this weekend. And so I need to load up some books. If you're not familiar, I am an author, I have five books. And you can check those out on amazon.com. Under Dawn, Scott Damon, the author Don Scott Daymond, check out my books because I write books that help change lives. And there's not one book that I have written, that won't impact you, and bring you to the next level. That's what I'm committed to. That's what I'm called to. In fact, I'm working on my very next book, I can't wait to get it in your hands. But until then visit my Amazon book, author page, and also my website, as I gave it to in the beginning of the program, Don damon.com. So we were loading up these books, and I kept handing them to my husband. And he said, that's probably enough, you're not going to sell all these anyway. And at first I started to agree. And then I stopped and he actually looked at me too. And I said, No, that's not right. I don't accept that. That's not my confession. I'm selling every one of these books. And then he quickly came around to and he said yes, you're selling every one of these books and you'll need to order more. Amen. That's our confession. That's my expectation. That's what I'm speaking. And you know that your mind is like a magnet. So whatever you speak, whatever you think on in focus on, you're going to draw that to yourself. So that's my encouragement for you today. And I want you to do this if you have time. Think about the affirmations that you need in every area of your life. You need to have powerful affirmations over your relationships. And again, the things that you speak you speak in present tense as if you have it right now, I have an amazing relationship. My relationships are healthy and not toxic. I teach people on how to have healthy relationships. All right. So think about the affirmations that you need around your finances. We mentioned a few of them already. I am a wealth generator. I attract God inspired ideas that helped me create wealth. Think about the affirmations you need about your body. I am strong. I am fit. I am healthy. My blood is healthy. My cholesterol is at exactly the right number. My weight is perfect. My the size that I am in the weight that I am is exactly as God ordained it. So think about those affirmations around your health, your body, your Wait, what about your energy, let's have some affirmations around your energy. I am enthusiastic, I am energized. I have massive energy every day, I show up, alert, strong ready, I'm 100% Present.

Think about the affirmations that you need to have around your career. I fulfill my purpose. I am number one in my field. I am successful in everything that I do. I am fulfilled and passionate about the work. So think about those affirmations and all kinds of affirmations. Think about the affirmations for your recreate, or your recreation. I travel to exotic places. I write books that help set people free and I write them from tropical vacations. Okay, so now you've heard one of my affirmations. Right? What about your network? I meet the right people at the right time. I have influence powerful people are drawn to me. So I want you to write down the areas of your life where you know that you tend to think about things in a negative way that you maybe have the gravity pull to think about what you don't have what you don't want. What you aren't good enough at what you're, you know something enough I'm not small enough, young enough, old enough, healthy enough, rich enough whatever it is. You need to interrupt that and understand that you are an heir. If you're a believer in God, you are an co heir with Jesus and your father is very wealthy and your dad is He said it is His good pleasure to give you the kingdom. So there should be no lag, there should be no need, you need to line up your words with what is already true. And these affirmations provide a tool for you to do that. Alright. So there you go. I hope you'll take this and I hope you'll listen to this over and over again. And don't take my word for it. Understand this is your God given identity. If you're not sure about it, get my book, The Freedom challenge. That's a book you can get at my website, Don damon.com, or Amazon, the freedom challenge 60 days to untie the cords that bind you. And there you will find out who you are, how you were created. what God says is true about you. Come on, I want you to have this I want and write me. drop me a note. I want to hear how this podcast is changing your life and take a moment review it, like it and share it with someone else. Because I am committed to helping you live your best life become brave. And that's how I'm going to leave you just like I do every time. It's time for you to find your brave and live your vision. This is Don Scott Damon your Braveheart men

thanks for hanging out with me today and becoming brave. If this has helped you be sure to share it with someone and subscribe so you never have to miss another episode. For more about me my books, my coaching or online courses, visit Dawn damon.com. And as always be brave and live your vision

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About the Podcast

The BraveHearted Woman
Helping midlife women live brave by exploring the traits of success: Vision clarity, Identity confidence, disciplined mindset, empowering self-talk, and positive habits with courageous actions.
Welcome to The BraveHearted Woman, a podcast dedicated to calling out the brave, bold, beautiful dreams women have for their lives. I’m your BraveHeart mentor, Dawn Damon.
I’m a Confidence Coach, Author, Teacher, and Speaker, whose ultimate goal is to champion women like you!
As your BraveHeart mentor and certified coach, I push you to shed false limits, labels, and lies, so you can find yourself, discover your dreams, boost your confidence, and flourish in midlife and beyond. And because I know how scary it can be to take steps of courageous action that lead to change, I want to support and equip you as you move toward any life transformation you desire!
Our discussions cover various topics for mid-life women, including bold life reinvention, beauty hacks, powerful mindsets, healthy habits and disciplines, physical health, spirituality, and soul healing. I help awaken your heart to believe and to see what is possible!

We explore the mindsets of a successful woman, and talk about what I call the “5 Fortitudes of a BraveHearted Women;” of course, I use the acronym BRAVE.
• Bold Vision
• Real Identity
• Able mindsets
• Virtuous Self-Talk
• Excellent Habits

If you want to grow and develop, ignite the flame of your vision, reach your goals, and achieve your dreams, you’ve come to the right place because we are all things “women empowerment.”
So, thanks for stopping by. I believe you will be motivated, inspired, challenged, and, if you keep coming back…changed! Reach me at Dawn@braveheartmentor.com https://www.facebook.com/DawnScottDamon/

About your host

Profile picture for Dawn Damon

Dawn Damon

HI! It's great to meet you. I'm Dawn Damon, a Podcaster, Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Mentor of BraveHearts and Bold Visionaries . I love to coach and empower women to Live their Brave Vision with courage and fire! I'm the founder of the FreedomGirl Sisterhood Conference and Podcast.

Here's what others say,
"Dawn is an engaging communicator who inspires her audience to move beyond the pain of past trauma and to maximize their God-given purpose and potential in Christ. Dreams are ignited as Dawn uses sound biblical teaching, personal stories, and splashes of humor to awaken the gifts and callings in every person."